The Celestial Creed I: Introduction to Islamic Theology

This course serves as an introduction to the study of ‘aqidah through a renowned primer in the field. Using abridged notes on the unanimously accepted work by Imam Abu Ja’far al-Tahawi’s classical text, Bayan I’tiqad Ahl al-Sunnah wa ‘l-Jama’ah (famously known as al-’Aqidah al-Tahawiyyah), students will become acquainted with foundational beliefs within the Islamic paradigm, including: intellectually establishing the existence of a supreme being, tawhid (oneness), the various sifat (attributes) of Allah (SWT), prophethood, and comparative religion. Alongside their theoretical study of theology, students will be taught its application and relevance in the modern context, particularly focusing on combating atheism.

Semester Goals

Students will gain a firm and correct understanding of Islamic theology, specifically in regards to Allah Ta’ala’s existence, His essence, and His attributes. Students will also learn to dispel doubts regarding belief

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