An Introduction to Exegesis

The premier method of nurturing an intimate relationship with the Quran is to dive into the depths of its meanings. As such, students will be taught Quranic exegesis of chapters that are commonly recited, i.e. Surah al-Fatihah and the final ten surahs. Though this course is only an introduction to the vast science of tafsir, students will find themselves connecting to the words of Allahﷻ and finding a new sense of attachment to their prayers and worship.

The fall semester aims to deliver a sound and meaningful explanation of the following chapters: Al- Fatiha, al-Nas, al-Falaq, al-Ikhlas, al-Lahab, al-Kawthar. This course is a corequisite of TRTL-103.

Semester Goals

Students will improve the quality and substance of their salah by learning the exegesis of six commonly recited chapters of the Quran.

Start your spiritual journey with Madani Academy